Capacity building is an integral part of the activities of Friends of Nature. Training and skill enhancement is a major component of the capacity building; FON places high effort and strong emphasis on the creation of unique smoothly outreaching training modules to support the capacity building (Training modules are discussed separately). FON extends the capacity building to availing necessary equipment and material that would support the attainment of optimal capacity based on the assigned topic, outcome and impact of each project.

Socio-cultural preparedness

FON has a rich record of outreaching to different communities and different social segments from children to schools, elders, academics and university students, rural communities, different professional groups as farmers, fishermen and other. The ability to engage this wide social fabric requires a high command of social and communication skills that are flexibly adaptable to help address each target group with the best respective approach. FON has invested humongous efforts to attain the skills and perception to realize the effective means of engagement per situation and target group. We know how to face challenges and to resolve conflicts, dismay, pessimism, skepticism and all forms of discouraging social attitudes; we know how to filter these attitudes and respond to positively, constructively and encouragingly to win the trust and engagement of the target group. Once the atmosphere for proper engagement reigns, we build motivation and inspire activism and advocacy to causes, rights, behaviors, social values and other. We consider these preparations fundamental for an effective pursuit of capacity building; once they are set, activities will move smoothly and capacity building is relaxingly and efficiently attained.

Effective Strategy

Beside our philosophy to promoting capacity building, FON adopts the strategy of resorting to training of trainers. We always have a team of qualitative and qualified trainers deliver the capacity building; the team has the skills to approach the social groups and follows intensive training to master the training topic and the use of the training tools. We test the performance, aptitudes and skills, engage in team discussions and evaluations to ensure the successfulness of the team on the ground prior to conducting any activity. This strategy allows FON to reach wide geographical regions and a high number of beneficiaries. We always have a backing team also to take turns in order to fulfill the assigned timetable as per project deliverables.